In 1995, the “Balance” methodology was developed at the Department of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine of the Russian State Medical University by B.A. Polyaev, O.A. Laisheva. and S.A. Parastaev.

The methodology is based on the ontogenesis of movements of a 1-year-old child.
The basis for the formation of any motor skill is the central axis of the body. All movements of the limbs occur around this axis and against the force of gravity, thus the brain recognizes its centre and can coordinate all movements. By 3 months of age, the child identifies his/her central axis.

He/she is able to put hands together in the supine position and direct them into the mouth without losing stability in the body. All these happen automatically since it is built into the child's motor development programme at the genetic level. The initial positions used in the “Balance” method are neurophysiological and correspond to certain stages of motor development of a child in the first year of life.
The technique is successfully used in children with impaired balance or coordination and allows to restore lost motor skills and muscle coordination.